8 Amazing Things to Know About a UX Design Process in 2024

August 20, 2024

Do you know that 88.5% of users abandon a site because of slow loading time? Are you aware that your users are likely to leave your website if it takes more than 3 seconds to load? 

With these statistics, we can see why providing an enjoyable user experience is important for your app/website. 

In today’s blog, we’ll look at 8 amazing things that help you create an intuitive UX design process in 2024. 

First, let’s discuss in detail what a UX design is: 

What is UX Design Process?

A UX Design is the creation of the entire user experience smoothly and seamlessly to facilitate your user’s journey. A UX design process considers everything such as how users find your app and website, and how they interact with it. 

Now, let’s discuss the points that we mentioned above in detail. 

  1. AI-Powered Personalization for User Interfaces

Do you want to provide your users with the best experience based on their needs and preferences? Add AI-powered personalization in the mix. 

Here’s how it works. 

Garry is looking for customized plates for his Playstation 5. Now, based on his browsing behavior, preferences, and purchase history, the AI will collect data. 

AI will then use this data to provide personalized recommendations for Garry, such as the plates that he is looking for, along with seller reviews, making it easy for Gary to purchase the product that he wants. 

  1.  Voice Command Integration in User Interfaces

Voice command interfaces are one of the hottest things in town. Now, you don’t need to search for anything by typing in the app/website. 

Simply open the voice command feature and say what you’re looking for. The voice function will display the relevant results/suggestions. 

One example of voice command features is YouTube. You can search for your favorite videos by clicking the red microphone on the left corner and speaking what you’re searching for. 

  1. How to Create Micro-Interactions that Delight the User

Micro-interactions are small web design elements that respond to a user’s touch or swipe instead of acting on their own.

Some examples of micro-interactions are: 

  1. The “pop” that happens when you submit a form. 
  1.  The animation/slight bubble that shows when you’re pressing a button. 
  1. The progress bar that fills up while you upload a file. 

These small interactions are a source of delight for the user and maintain their interest in the app. 

  1. Harnessing the Power of AR/VR for Improved User Experiences

AR/VR provides a new meaning to the word “reality.” They have greatly changed how we see things on-screen, and provide highly immersive experiences. AR/VR has now also made its way to apps and websites with the introduction of 5G.

For example, you can now use AR/VR during online shopping to examine products in a virtual environment while you’re shopping online.

Now, you can buy clothes and try makeup without checking it in the changing room/shop. This makes online buying more safe compared to before. Thus, adding AR/VR to mobile apps and websites contributes to an increase in revenue. 

  1. How a Responsive UI Improves User Experience

Having a responsive UI in your app plays a major part in improving its user experience. You can make your app’s UI responsive by: 

  1. Using flexible layouts such as the constraint layout in Android to resize elements based on screen dimensions.
  1. Using relevant units such as percentages, instead of fixed pixels.
  1. Using scalable images such as Webp and Jpeg.
  1. Considering different orientations such as portrait and landscape, and ensuring that your app handles auto-rotation effectively. 
  1. Testing your app thoroughly on real devices and emulators.

6. 3D Design Trends for More Immersive User Experiences

Using 3D designs has several benefits compared to using 2D designs. 3D designs provide you with:

  1. More depth and realism. 
  1. Multiple perspectives, such as rotating to view. 
  1. More interactive experiences, such as the ability to navigate through virtual elements and customize them as well. 

7. The Importance of Accessibility for User Experience

Accessibility plays an important part in improving the user experience of your app. It helps you capture more audiences by making arrangements for the challenged users. You can improve accessibility in your app/website by:

  1. Providing descriptive Alt text for images. 
  1. Ensuring the right color contrast between the text and the background for better readability. 
  1. Ensuring that all functionalities can be navigated with the help of the keyboard. 
  1. Using clear and readable fonts instead of small text. 
  1. Using captions for users with hearing impairments. 
  1. Using simple and clear layout and language for people with disabilities.

Incorporating accessibility into your app/website’s user interface is a good practice as it is legally required in many regions around the world. 

8. Sustainable UX Design Practices which Boost Environmental Consciousness

Now, let’s talk about some sustainable design practices for UX design process that boost environmental consciousness. Here are some practices that you should implement: 

  1. Improve the user flow by reducing unnecessary steps and actions. Doing this saves the energy on the user’s device. 
  1. Optimize content delivery by using efficient coding practices and optimizing images and videos. This leads to faster loading times, which also lowers energy consumption.  
  1. Reduce clutter to make the design interface easier to use.

So here are 8 practices to help you create an intuitive UX design in 2024. Now, let’s recap what we learned throughout the blog.

Wrapping Up

Responsive UIs ensure that apps look good on all devices. 3D UX design process can provide more depth and realism than 2D design. Accessible design practices make apps usable for people with disabilities. Sustainable design practices can help to reduce energy consumption. 
By following these practices, you can create UI/UX designs that are both user-friendly and environmentally conscious.

With the help of predictive analytics, potential issues can be anticipated, thereby reducing the risk of crop failure. These advancements driven by AI not only streamline operations but intensify productivity in the farming industry.

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