Top 7 Automated Testing Tools for 2024

June 6, 2024

Manual testing can be time-consuming and result in various errors which can hamper the quality of your app.

Thus, If you’re building an app, one of the most important things for you to have by your side is an automated testing tool to test each aspect of your mobile app.
In today’s blog, we’ll be talking about the top Seven mobile automation testing tools for 2024. So stay tuned and keep reading. First, let’s dive deep and study what mobile testing tools are and what benefits they bring to developers.

What are Automated MobileTesting Tools

Automated testing tools use software to execute test cases automatically. These tools can copy user interactions, verify expected behavior, and identify bugs in your app. 

Now, let’s explore some of the benefits of having automated testing tools.

Benefits of Automated Mobile Testing Tools

Automated testing tools provide numerous benefits for app developers, here are some of them. 

  1. Improved efficiency and speed
  1. Enhanced accuracy
  1. A wide range of tests
  1. Reduced costs
  1. Better software quality
  1. Improved collaboration
  1. Scalability

1. Improved efficiency and speed

Automated tests can be conducted quickly as compared to manual tests, which leads to quicker feedback and faster release cycles. This is beneficial for agile environments where frequent deployments are necessary. 

2. Enhanced accuracy    

Automation eliminates the errors involved in manual testing. This leads to more consistent and realistic test results. Testers are free from repetitive testing tasks, which allows them to focus more on complex testing. 

3. A wide range of tests

Automated testing tools provide a wider range of tests to choose from. They can execute thousands of tests within the nick of time. 

 4. Reduced costs

Having an automated testing tool means that you don’t need to hire multiple testers to conduct tests. This contributes majorly to reducing costs.

5. Better software quality

Because automated testing can carry out a large number of tests within a short period, it generally leads to better software quality than would have been the case otherwise.

6. Improved collaboration

Automated testing tools facilitate better collaboration among developers and testers. As a result, developers can send the code to the testers for better feedback. 

7. Scalability

Automated tests can easily be scaled, depending on how big the app is. Thus, you don’t need multiple testers to conduct tests for a larger app. 

Now that we know about the benefits of automated testing tools, let’s explore the top 10 automated testing tools in 2024. 

Top 7 Mobile Testing Tools in 2024

The top automated testing tools for 2024 are: 


  1. Selenium 
  2. Cypress
  3. Katalon Studio
  4. Appium 
  5. Postman
  6. Tricentis Tosca
  7. Robotium


1. Selenium 

     Selenium is an open-source framework that supports multiple web browsers. It offers a flexible approach to automate web application testing. Selenium comes in three main packages, namely: 

  • Selenium Web Driver, which allows you to create browser-based automated regression suites.
  • Selenium IDE, which helps you create quick bug reproduction scripts.
  • Selenium Grid, which helps you run tests on several machines.


     When it comes to pricing, the tool is free to use. The advantages of using selenium are that it has a big community for support, has various language bindings, and supports various language types.

     However, the user must be an expert in coding, and setting up various testing environments can be a very complex task.


2. Cypress

    Cypress uses a user-friendly Java Script approach, specifically for web-based applications. 

    One of the major advantages of using Cyprus is that it can be integrated with various CI tools such as JIRA. Moreover, it is easy to learn and runs tests directly in the browser.

In terms of price, the tool comes in four packages:

  • Free: $0 a month
  • Team: Starts at $67 a month
  • Business: Starts at $267 per month
  • Enterprise: No price mentioned: Custom packages offered, based on business needs


3.  Katalon Studio

     Katalon Studio is a comprehensive testing platform that is suitable for testers of skill levels ranging from beginners to experts. 

     Katalon Studio benefits testers with its user-friendly interface which provides record and playback ability, and its ability to integrate with other testing tools such as Appium and Selenium.

In terms of price, the packages for Katalon Studio include: 

  • Free: No charge 
  • Premium: Starts from $175 per month along with additions of a runtime engine and a testcloud which both cost $140 per session each. 
  • Ultimate: Price depends on your needs.


4.  Appium

     Appium is a reliable open-source framework for testing Native apps. It allows you to test apps for both Android and IOS platforms.  

     Appium is free and integrates with popular testing frameworks such as Selenium. Moreover, it also provides you with a large community for support. 

     However, you need expert coding skills, and it requires you to manually set up environments for mobile devices, which is a hard task. Also, it’s debugging tests can be challenging. 


5. Postman

      Postman is a tool used for API testing. It allows you to receive API requests, validate responses, and build automated tests. 

      The benefits of using Postman are its user-friendly interface, and its ability to integrate with CI/CD tools. 

      However, the tool is only limited to API testing and does not test apps. 

      In terms of price, the tool comes in three packages: 

  • Basic: $14 per month.
  • Professional: $29 per month.
  • Enterprise: Price depends on your needs.

6. Tricentis Tosca

Tricentis is an automated mobile testing platform that is built for enterprise-level projects. It helps you manage test cases, create automated tests, and integrate with various tools in the software development lifecycle. 

One of the major advantages of using Tricentis is, that it supports major test cases. Moreover, the platform provides comprehensive reporting analytics and integrates with various ALM ( Application Lifecycle Management Tools). Moreover, the app is also available on the cloud, which means that you don’t need to manage a large infrastructure.

However, the platform is expensive for smaller teams and has a complicated setup.     

For pricing, you need to contact the sales team.


7. Robotium

Robotium is a mobile testing tool that is specifically designed for Android-based apps. 

Compared to other frameworks, Robotium is comparatively easy to use, as it provides you with a simple API to interact with user interface elements, and does not require a deep understanding of an application’s code structure. 

However, the platform offers limited support and lacks AI-powered test generation and reporting capabilities. Now that we know about the 7 best platforms for mobile automation testing, let’s end with a recap of what we learned throughout the blog.

The Takeaways

Automated mobile testing tools empower you to streamline development, accelerate release cycles, and deliver high-quality apps. The best tool for you depends on your project (web vs. native app, budget, etc.) and team expertise.

Here’s a quick shortlist:

  • Open-source & Web Apps: Selenium or Cypress
  • Multi-platform & User-friendly: Katalon Studio
  • Native Apps (Android/iOS): Appium or Robotium
  • API Testing: Postman
  • Enterprise & Advanced Features: Tricentis Tosca

Start small, scale gradually, and choose the mobile testing tool that aligns with your needs for a successful mobile app testing journey.

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