Top 10 CRMs to Boost Your Real Estate Sales in 2024

June 6, 2024

Any business in 2024 needs a CRM for success, as we can see from the statistics from, 91% of medium-sized businesses with 10 or more employees use CRM systems. 

Gone are the days of keeping large diaries to maintain customer information. Now you can bring up all the customer information you want in one click. The same goes for the real estate business. So today, we’ll look at the top four CRMs that can boost your real estate business in 2024. 

Let’s start by learning what a real estate CRM is.

What is Real Estate CRM Software? 

Similar to any other CRM, real estate CRMs help you convert customers into long-term leads by automating the process. As a result, your salespeople save time which they would have used up sending emails and scheduling appointments. A real estate CRM identifies opportunities that you can use to upsell investment-worthy properties to investors and clients.

What are the Benefits of a Real Estate CRM?

The following are the benefits of having a real estate CRM for your business.

1. Improved lead management

The real estate CRM organizes your leads according to each stage of the marketing funnel. As a result, your experts can easily nurture these leads using the right marketing efforts.

2. Enhanced followups with customers

CRMs automate tasks such as sending out emails for drip campaigns, which results in fast and easy follow-ups with customers.

3. Boosted sales

By automating tasks, a real estate CRMensures that your representatives spend more time closing deals, rather than completing administrative tasks.

4. Data-backed decision making

CRMs are a valuable source of data, and by combining both data and AI-based analytics, they prove to be a great source of information, also processing it further to provide more insights about the data from different aspects. 
Thus, using a real estate CRM has numerous benefits for your business. Now we’ll look at the top CRMs for real estate. So stay tuned and keep reading.

Top Real Estate CRMs for 2024

Here is a comprehensive list of the top real estate CRMs for 2024..

  1. Zoho CRM
    Zoho CRM provides a great suite of options for realtors. It is a renowned CRM software that serves various businesses. Zoho CRM brings a host of advantages for realtors. Let’s explore it in detail.

    -Complete customization to suit your needs.
    -Ability to integrate 3rd party APIs.
    -Self-service portals to help users fill in information.
    -Project management tools to keep track of projectsAdvantages
    -Helps you manage leads and track history.
    -Boosts your productivity through automation.
    -Leverages your decisions through artificial intelligence.
    -Allows you to integrate chat tools to keep your team in the loop

    -The basic package doesn’t help with sales decision-making.
    -The basic package doesn’t provide developer features.

    -The pricing for Zoho’s real estate CRM starts from $14 and ends at $52 per month.

  2. Monday Sales CRM
    This CRM is easy to use and has a good visual interface, making it a user-friendly and suitable choice for realtors.
    -Automated task generation to keep your workflow steady and help you close leads.
    -Email composition and reposting to help you send intricate emails to your prospects.
    -Content generation and summarizing to create content that provides value to the customer at each stage of the sale.
    -Building formulas to set a framework for your reporting

    -You can customize the CRM to suit your sales cycle.
    -Helps you save time by helping you automate sales
    -Helps you communicate with clients through a single platform
    -Allows you to integrate your favorite work tools

    -Limited features are available in the free plan.
    -The basic CRM package doesn’t allow for customized integration

    -The prices for the Monday CRM start at $12 for the basic package, $17 for the standard package, and $28 per month for the pro package. ( Prices are for one seat).

  3. HubSpot CRM
    Hubspot’s real estate CRM software is perhaps one of the top picks for businesses. The CRM is renowned and provides various features that suit business needs. .
    -Robust reporting analytics.
    -Tools to help you communicate effectively with clients.
    -Ability to capture leads from various sources to help you boost your business

    -An all-in-one platform that seamlessly integrates with other business software..
    -An easy-to-use interface that is suitable for beginners
    -Automates tasks and workflows such as email marketing

    -Not suitable for smaller real estate brokers because of the high price factortion

    -Professional package: $800 per month
    -Enterprise package: $3600 per month

  4. Keap
    Formerly known as Infusionsoft, Keap is a real estate CRM built for small-scale realtors .
    An intricate homepage and dashboard that provides you with details about scheduled appointments
    -Provides lead automation features to help you collect and organize leads for conversion

    -Leverages AI to help you automate the conversion process, allowing you to focus on other important tasks.
    -Differentiates business from personal contacts

    -Allows you to easily schedule appointments.
    -Automates follow-up tasks
    -Let’s you assign points to leads, based on the probability of them converting

    -Lack of scalability as it only sits well with small businesses

    -Three packages: Pro, Max, and Ultimate
    -Prices range between $159-$229 per month
    So, these are the top four CRMs for real estate for 2024. Now, it’s time for the takeaways

The Takeaways

The real estate market is booming, and staying ahead of the curve requires leveraging the right tools. In this blog, we explored the advantages of using a real estate CRM, from streamlined lead management to data-driven decision-making.

Now you’ve seen four of the top options for 2024: Zoho CRM, Monday Sales CRM, HubSpot CRM, and Keap. Each offers unique features and caters to different needs.

Zoho CRM shines with its customizability and powerful integrations, perfect for established brokerages seeking an all-in-one solution.

For user-friendliness and visual appeal, Monday Sales CRM takes the cake. Their workflow automation and content generation tools can be a huge time-saver for busy agents.

HubSpot CRM boasts a robust feature set and seamless integrations, making it ideal for larger operations with diverse software needs. However, the hefty price tag might be a deterrent for smaller brokerages.

Keap, formerly Infusionsoft, caters specifically to smaller businesses. Its lead automation features, appointment scheduling, and AI-powered conversion tools can be a game-changer for solo agents or fledgling teams.

The best CRM for you depends on the size and specific needs of your real estate business.  Consider factors like budget, desired level of customization, team size, and the importance of scalability.

With the help of predictive analytics, potential issues can be anticipated, thereby reducing the risk of crop failure. These advancements driven by AI not only streamline operations but intensify productivity in the farming industry.

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