Developing a PWA for Ecommerce: Benefits and Examples

September 4, 2024

Using a PWA can improve site performance by 63%. PWAs have revolutionized the way we deal with apps. Take Gmail for example. The Gmail PWA for Ecommerce allows you for similar user experience on both the app and the website. 

Moreover, you can even access your Gmail account without using the internet. This isn’t the case with normal apps.

PWAs provide numerous benefits, which we’ll discuss later in this blog. Today, we’ll evaluate PWAs from the perspective of an e-commerce app. 

What is a PWA for Ecommerce? 

PWA (A short form of progressive web app) is a website that has specifically been programmed to function in the form of an app. 

A PWA can run on multiple platforms from a single codebase, as compared to a platform-specific app, be installed on devices, and integrate with other apps. 

Some features that make PWAs different from conventional apps include: 

  1. It is based on web technologies: At its heart, a PWA is built from web technologies, such as HTML, CSS, and Javascript. This allows them to function on various platforms in the same manner as a web browser. Moreover, the app can also function on various devices, such as the mobile and the desktop. 
  1. Provides offline functionalities: PWAs can function offline as compared to a traditional app. They do this by using service workers, which are background scripts that function even when the browser is closed. This background functioning ensures that the app continues to receive essential data. As a result, the app will continue to work even after a faulty, or no connection. 
  1. It focuses on progressive enhancement: Progressive enhancement is a design philosophy that ensures that despite users having lower-quality hardware, the app continues to provide at least the basic level of functionality for all users. 
  1. Updates automatically: In a traditional app, users need to download the latest patch for updates. However, because a PWA is a website, it automatically updates, allowing the user to see the latest version. 

Now, let’s discuss the benefits of PWA for ecommerce.

Benefits of PWA for ECommerce

PWAs are being greatly used in e-commerce because of the multiplied amount of conversions that they provide. Statistics from Simicart show that using a PWA can lead to 93.3% conversions.

But, conversions aren’t the only reason why PWAs are popular among e-commerce websites. 

PWAs for e-commerce provide benefits such as: 

  1. Short development time. 
  2. Improves SEO.
  3. Captures wider audiences.
  4. Lower development costs. 

Now, let’s go into the details of each one of these. 

  1. Short development time

Building a native app might take you anywhere between 4-8 months, depending on the complexity of the app in question.  On the other hand, a PWA can be developed within 3-5 months. This is because as compared to a native app, a PWA is developed from a single codebase on both platforms. Hence, you can quickly market a PWA for ecommerce as compared to a native app. 

  1. Improves SEO

Building a PWA as compared to a native app provides great benefits for SEO. As we mentioned earlier, PWAs can improve speed by 63%. Search engines greatly regard site speed for SEO. So, having a PWA automatically means improved SEO. 

Also, PWAs aren’t barred by different app stores. Rather, they are available on the Internet. Moreover, they are websites, which allow search engine crawlers to crawl their content. So, a PWA not only gets traffic but can also be readily accessed by search engines, which allows PWAs in e-commerce to rank easily. 

  1. Captures a wider audience

A PWA captures more audience as compared to a native Android/IOS app. This is because it is easily accessible through the internet. Thus, you can easily capture a large segment of the market through an e-commerce PWA. 

  1. Lower development costs

PWAs are cheap, as a lot of effort isn’t required to create them. You can create a PWA on a single codebase as compared to a native app which requires separate iterations of a codebase for each version. Typically, a PWA will cost you anywhere between $15,000-$50,000, whereas a native app will cost you between $50,000- $100,000. Thus, you can see that a PWA will cost you around 33% less as compared to a native app. 

Now that we know about the benefits of a PWA for ecommerce, let’s look at some examples of PWAs being used successfully in e-commerce. 

Examples of PWAs  Being Used in E-commerce

Here are some successful examples of how PWAs are being used in the e-commerce industry: 

  1. Alibaba.
  2. Flipkart. 
  3. Debenhams.
  1. Alibaba

Alibaba’s PWA for e-commerce is a great success as compared to its native app. It’s because the native app is large and will consume almost 60 MB of your storage. So, why not download the PWA? It’s smooth in functioning and has a messenger feature that helps you contact the seller. Moreover, you can also sign in conventionally, or through your social media credentials. 

  1. Flipkart

The Flipkart app is a mixture of vibrant colors and top-of-the-line features that provide an unparalleled experience for the user. On the top right corner, you’ll find the options to manage your notification preferences, advertise, contact customer care, and become a seller. 

Flipkart has also organized its categories effectively, allowing the user to easily find the product that they are looking for. 

You’ll find options for Grocery, Mobiles, Fashion, Electronics, and home appliances. The Flipkart app further divides these categories, allowing you to easily make a purchase. Followed by these, you’ll find discount offers from the brand.

  1. Debenhams

The Debenhams PWA for e-commerce gets straight to the point, as the app directly starts with the sales and offers available, followed by extensive product categorization for weddings, holidays, gifts, home goods, garden essentials, and sports. 

It follows the e-commerce rule perfectly by providing its shopping cart on the top-right side of the app. 

At the bottom, you’ll find the Debenhams Debrief, which allows you to read and shop for various products and services. 

At the extreme bottom, Debenhams also lets you download the app and provides a clear view of all its payment partners. This facilitates the user in making a decision.

The Conclusion

In the ever-growing world of e-commerce, Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are emerging as a powerful tool. PWAs provide a seamless user experience that rivals native apps, all while being accessible through a simple web browser.

The success stories of Alibaba, Flipkart, and Debenhams showcase the potential of PWAs in the e-commerce industry. As technology continues to evolve, PWAs are poised to become an even more dominant force in the future of online shopping.

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