Applications of 5g Technology and Its Impact on Mobile Development

August 22, 2024

Do you know that 5G delivers 100x faster speed as compared to 4G? Think about how this can change the dynamics of mobile development. In today’s blog, we’ll take a sneak peek into how the applications of 5G technology will influence mobile development in the future. Let’s dive into it. 

What is 5G?

5G is the fifth generation of cell phone network technology. It is the successor to 4G, the network which is currently available on most mobile devices. Compared to 4G, 5G provides better: 

  • Speed 
  • Latency 
  • Network capacity

Let’s discuss this further.

  1. Speed

As mentioned earlier, the application of  5G technology provides speed up to 100X greater as compared to 4G, exactly about 10GBPS. This is great, as it allows you to watch high-quality content on your cell phone, such as ultra HD videos. It also allows for virtual reality experiences and cloud gaming. 

  1. Low latency

Latency describes the time that data takes to travel from one device to the other. The application of 5G technology provides a latency rate of 1milisecond! Just think about it, 1/1000 of a second, which is 200 times faster than 4G which has a latency rate of 200 milliseconds. Now, you don’t need to wait long to download your favorite movies or wait for their buffering. 

  1. Network capacity

The application of 5G technology also provides an improved network capacity, which means that you can keep more people connected on one network without decreasing the speed for each connection. Whereas 4G only provided connectivity to 2000 devices per square kilometer, 5G allows you to connect 100,000 devices per square kilometer, which is 50 times more as compared to 4G. 

Thus, we can see that 5G is better in every sense when compared to 4G. 

Now, let’s take a closer look at 5G-powered mobile apps. 

The Arrival of 5G-Powered Mobile Apps

The introduction of 5G Internet will greatly change the types of mobile apps that we are likely to see in the future. With 5G, we will see improvements in apps for: 

  • Entertainment 
  • Healthcare
  • Education 
  • Retail 
  1. Entertainment

Because of 5G’s incredible speed, we are likely to see developments in entertainment, such as more emphasis on AR and VR. Now, users will have more immersive experiences while watching their favorite movies. 

For example, in 2023, Meta Labs launched Meta Quest 3. Meta Quest 3 is a headset that allows you to augment VR and AR into streaming experiences. Meta Quest 3 is supported by many streaming platforms such as Netflix. 

Now, you can enjoy better streaming experiences because of 5G. 

  1. Healthcare

The medical field is likely to benefit highly from developments in 5G. 5G will result in the ability of surgeons to perform surgeries remotely. A practice that is already prevalent. However, 5G’s improved speed will improve the accuracy of the process. Just think about it. Your surgeon may be sitting miles away but will be able to perform the surgery with the help of a VR headset, a robot, and an application of 5G technology. 

Now, healthcare apps can set up a particular platform that only deals with facilitating remote surgeries, which is integrated with a VR headset, making it easier for doctors to perform surgeries remotely.

  1. Education

The concept of 5G will allow learning apps to build a more hands-on approach to learning. Now, users will be able to download large documents and informational videos, faster than the speed of light. 

Also, instead of just showing videos or PowerPoint slides, course instructors can take their students on an engaging journey where they can use VR to explain concepts and allow students to experience the applications of those concepts firsthand. 

Thus, the introduction of 5G will make remote learning more efficient on e-learning apps. 

  1. Retail

E-commerce apps are set to see a complete revolution as a result of 5G technology. 5G will allow users to virtually try on their clothes and makeup before buying them from the E-commerce platform. Thus, 5G will see a major revolution when it comes to the retail sector. 

Now that we know what kind of apps we will see as a result of 5G, let’s look at the benefits that 5G will bring specifically for app developers. 

Developments of 5G for App Developers

Here is how the introduction of 5G will change the app development dynamics for developers: 

  1. Improved user experiences
  1. Focus on cloud and edge computing
  1. Introduction of new technologies
  1. Improved security measures
  1. Improved user experiences

With faster speed and lower latency, 5G will let developers create more engaging experiences. As a developer, you can now create apps that process data faster. Moreover, you can also integrate your app with an AI interface, allowing it to send personalized notifications based on knowledge of user preferences. 

  1. Focus on cloud and edge computing

5G’s ability to handle large amounts of data has opened doors for cloud-based apps. This means that you can now create lighter apps that don’t require a high processing power. The introduction of edge computing will mean that data processing happens closer to the users, which will further reduce latency and improve responsiveness. 

  1. Introduction of new technologies

The introduction of 5G will be the starting point for the development of new technologies such as the development of more agile apps for IoT devices, and improved AR/VR experiences. Developers will need to use these technologies to unlock the full potential of 5G.

  1. Improved security measures

As a developer, 5G will require you to include improved security features in your apps. More connected devices mean more transfer of data, which makes security more essential. Thus, you will have to test the app’s code continuously and use secure coding practices such as input validation and multi-factor authentication to ensure that the code is not susceptible to attacks from hackers. 

Now that we know what 5G development brings for developers, it’s time to revisit what we learned throughout the blog and conclude.

The Takeaways

In conclusion, applications of 5G technology promise a revolutionary leap in mobile technology, impacting everything from user experience to app development. Its blazing-fast speeds, ultra-low latency, and increased capacity will enable entirely new app concepts in healthcare, education, retail, and entertainment. Developers will need to embrace cloud computing, edge computing, and robust security measures to unlock the full potential of 5G and create the next generation of mobile apps.

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