A Comprehensive Guide to Prototype User Testing 

September 4, 2024

Jeff Sauro from Measuring U.com claims that 5 users are all you need to identify 85% of the problems within your app/website. This quote is enough to emphasize the importance of prototype user testing. After all, no one is perfect. No matter how great code you write, or how intuitive your UI design is, there’s always a chance that there is room for improvement, and prototype user testing helps you do just that. 

Yes, test automation is a present-day thing. But just like AI, which is capable of producing harmful instructions, test automation might leave a few “stones unturned” However, prototype user testing covers the pitfalls of automated testing.  

In this blog post, we’ll dive into the meaning of prototype user testing, explore its benefits, outline different types of prototype user testing, identify user prototype testing tools, and evaluate some common test cases.

What is Prototype User Testing? 

Prototype user testing is the set of tests run by the user on a website/app before it reaches the development stage. The goal of prototype user testing is to ensure that:

  1. Problems within the design are identified early, and amended before the design reaches the final user. 
  1. The user likes the product that you’re building. 

With prototype user testing, the user/tester can identify all the flaws within your app/website and provide you with constructive input to make the necessary amends. 

What are the Benefits of Prototype User Testing? 

Doing prototype testing for your app/website’s UI has numerous benefits such as: 

  1. Unbiased feedback.
  2. Ability to discover hidden opportunities.
  3. Reduced costs.
  4. Ability to change your approach early. 
  1. Unbiased feedback

At the end of the day, a user will evaluate the app/website like a “user.” This means that they’ll immerse themselves completely while evaluating the website, and look for the best user experience. 

Moreover, they are not someone from within the organization. So, they’ll provide clear-cut feedback about what they don’t find right within the app/website. Thus, you’ll find more flaws than would have been the case if someone from within the organization was evaluating.

  1. Ability to discover hidden opportunities

Relating to the first point of unbiased feedback, if a user provides you with a complete review of what they feel that your app/website lacks, they’ll also give you a new direction that you wouldn’t have explored because of their direction. 

For example, a user might suggest based on their experience to move the shopping cart button to the top right side, which makes it more accessible for him/her to use. This wouldn’t have been possible if an internal tester was testing your website. 

  1. Reduced costs

User prototype testing ensures that the faults present in your design prototype don’t make it to the final product. This means that you don’t have to go for re-development, which would be costly to do. Instead, all mistakes are accounted for in the prototype, resulting in an improved final product that sits well with the user. 

  1. Ability to change your approach early

Re-development isn’t just costly, it also contributes to re-employing your resources and moving attention away from other products, which means a lack of focus for your team. 

However, evaluating all the issues in your prototype means that you can identify the flaws early on and make changes before your team gets to work. 

Different Types of Prototype User Testing

Earlier on we had explored a surface-level definition of what user testing is. Now, we’ll dive into the specifics, explore the different types of prototype user testing, and learn how each one is carried out. 

Prototype user testing can be divided into six main types: 

  1. Moderated testing. 
  2. Unmoderated testing. 
  3. Remote testing
  4. In-person testing 
  5. Qualitative testing 
  6. Quantitative testing

1. Moderated testing

This prototype user testing involves a moderator. It is carried out during the earlier stages of software development. The moderator observes the users who interact with the product and records all the findings. 

2. Unmoderated testing

Unmoderated testing is a relatively cheaper method as compared to moderated testing because it doesn’t need a lab, equipment, or a moderator. However, the lack of a moderator makes it harder for testers to record the results.

3. Remote testing

Remote prototype use testing can be conducted from anywhere using a phone/tablet, making it more accessible for the user. 

4. In-person testing

In-person testing means that the user visits on-site to evaluate the prototype. 

5. Qualitative testing

Qualitative testing takes an in-depth approach to prototype user testing. It evaluates factors such as user emotion, which helps develop more meaningful features. 

6. Quantitative testing

Whereas qualitative testing focuses on an in-depth approach to user experience, quantitative testing focuses on metrics of your app, such as performance and stability. 

Common Tools for Prototype User Testing

When it comes to prototype user testing, the tools are divided into two categories: 

  1. Prototyping.
  2. Testing. 

Now, let’s discuss in detail the tools used for each one. 

  1. Prototyping

 The tools used in prototyping include: 

  1. Balsamiq: Balsamiq is a low-fidelity wireframing tool available on the cloud and the desktop. You can also integrate Balsamiq with Jira. Moreover, it also provides a 30-day trial period. The pricing for Balsamiq ranges from $9 to $199 per month, depending on the number of projects being executed.  
  1. Figma: Figma is a high-fidelity prototyping tool. It comes with various features such as a version history, Figma editor, advanced drawing tools, shared fonts, and a REST API. The pricing for Figma ranges from a free package and goes to $75 per month. 
  1. Invision: InVision lets you create interactive prototypes, and collaborates with teammates. It allows you to animate, comment, and integrate with other design tools, which makes it a great choice for creating polished prototypes and streamlining your design workflow.

2. Testing

  1. Maze:  Fast clickthrough prototypes & remote testing. Great for usability checks.
  1. Usabilla: Goes beyond basics. Captures feedback across touchpoints & analyzes sentiment. 

The Conclusion

The conclusion of the blog post is that prototype user testing is a valuable tool for improving the user experience of websites and apps. It can help to identify problems early in the development process, save costs, and ensure that the final product is user-friendly. The blog post also discusses different types of prototype user testing, common tools for prototype user testing, and the benefits of prototype user testing.

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