7 Popular Cross-Platform App Development Frameworks in 2024

June 6, 2024

Did you know that by 2023, the cross-platform app development market will hit $546.7 billion? If you are into developing Cross-Platform apps or want to have a cross-platform app developed, but don’t have an idea about the cross-platform technologies and frameworks, Don’t worry! 

In today’s blog, we’ll discuss 7 popular cross-platform frameworks in 2024. So stay tuned and keep reading. 
First, let us understand what cross-platform app development is.

What is Cross-Platform App Development?

Cross-platform app development is the process of creating apps for multiple mobile platforms, such as Android, IOS, and Windows. Instead of the developer developing different versions of the app on each platform, one version is developed and deployed simultaneously across both platforms. 

Cross-platform app development is beneficial because it:  

  1. Is cost-effective, as you can write code once for multiple platforms.
  1. Can be marketed fast, as you can deploy across multiple platforms with minute changes.
  1. Has maintenance and updates that are more straightforward because of a unified codebase. 
  1. Supports multiple platforms with a single code base, allowing you to reach a wider range of audiences. 

However, cross-platform app development also comes with various challenges such as: 

  1. Lower performance level as compared to native apps.
  1. Achieving a consistent user experience across various platforms.
  1. Limitations concerning specific functionalities. 

Therefore, carefully evaluate the advantages and challenges before deciding to go for cross-platform app development. 

Now, let’s look at 7 popular cross-platform mobile app development frameworks in 2024.

Popular Cross-Platform App Development Frameworks in 2024

Here are seven cross-platform app development frameworks that developers must get a hold of. 

1. Flutter 

Flutter is a cross-platform app development framework that Google has developed. Using Flutter provides you with numerous advantages, such as the ability to design for both platforms by using a single codebase. The framework is also suitable for creating preformat apps, as it accelerates or decelerates the graphics, depending on the available hardware. 

Flutter users also claim that when using the platform, 90% of the code converts into multi-platform code, making cross-platform experiences even better. 

The advantages of using flutter for cross-platform development are: 

– The framework provides various widgets that give your app a sleek and modern design. 

-Flutter apps run faster as compared to apps developed on other frameworks. 

-Helps you create apps that are available for a global audience.


2. Ionic

Ionic was released in 2013 and is an open-source UI toolkit that helps you build cross-platform mobile, web, and desktop applications. The toolkit uses web technologies such as JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, and CSS. Ionic provides you with a variety of pre-designed UI components and tools to help you develop high-quality and user-friendly apps. 

The advantages of Ionic are:

-It is an easy-to-use framework.

-You can easily deploy your app as a PWA.

-It is free and open-source software, which costs you less as compared to other frameworks.aa

3. React Native

React native is an open-source software created by Meta Labs, a subsidiary of Facebook. You can use React Native to develop applications for Android, Android TV, IOS, Mac OS, web, and Windows. The software works on the programming languages of JavaScript, Java, Python, C++, and Objective-C. React native offers you the ability to “Fast Refresh, allowing you to see your changes as soon as you save your work. 

4. Node.Js 

Node.Js is a JavaScript runtime environment that you can run on Windows, Linux, Unix, Mac OS, and other operating systems. The Node. Js runs on the V8 JavaScript engine and executes the code outside a web browser. It also allows you to write JavaScript command tools for server-side scripting. 

5. Sencha Touch

Sencha Touch is a framework that is specifically built for mobile web apps. You can use it to develop interfaces for mobile web applications to develop apps for various mobile devices. Sencha Touch enables you to:

-Separately maintain application data, control code, and view.

-Gain access to a wide range of widgets.

-Choose from multiple transition types for your app.

-Create charts and bar graphs.

-Create profiles according to different screen sizes.

Thus, Sencha Touch comes with various features suitable for creating cross-platform app development. 

6. Firebase

Firebase is a mobile and app development platform from Google itself. Firebase allows you to integrate all the tools you need for developing apps and promoting them. The Firebase tools suit includes integrations with Google Play, Google Ads, Jira, and Slack. These integrations allow you to easily communicate with your team and also market the app once it’s ready. 

Additionally, Firebase also lets you store your app’s data on the Google Cloud. Thus, you can add multiple users to your app, and expand your team easily. 

7. Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile

Kotlin helps you simplify development by reducing the time spent in writing and maintaining code for various platforms. Kotlin allows your developer teams from multiple platforms to work on the same code, which promotes knowledge sharing. 

Moreover, having a single codebase also reduces the hassle involved in maintenance and introducing new features, making the platform a suitable choice for cross-platform app development.

Now that you know about the top seven frameworks for cross-platform app development, let’s visit and see what we learned throughout the blog. 

The Takeaway

Cross-platform app development is the art of creating applications for multiple platforms. These can be web apps, applications for Android, or the IOS. Engaging in cross-platform app development is beneficial because it is cost-effective and the app can be deployed across multiple platforms simultaneously. Moreover, cross-platform apps are easy to maintain because of a single codebase. Cross-platform apps also let you reach multiple audiences. 

However, cross-platform apps also bring challenges, such as lower performance as compared to native apps,  problems in creating a consistent user experience across both platforms and some other platform-based limitations. 

The top 7 frameworks to use for cross-platform app development are Flutter, Ionic, React Native, Node.js, Sencha Touch, Firebase, and Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile. Each framework comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Which one you choose for cross-platform app development depends entirely upon you. 

Be sure to assess your needs before choosing a framework for cross-platform app development.

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