7 Custom Software Programming Errors to Avoid in 2024

September 3, 2024

Programming for your custom software can be a tumultuous task especially when you’re likely to encounter certain programming errors. The emergence of programming errors can completely render your software useless, primarily because of future chances for bugs and glitches. In today’s blog, we’ll explore 10 custom software programming errors that programmers must avoid in 2024. We’ll talk about: 

  1. Incorrect coding practices
  1. Neglecting API security
  1. Not using proactive defenses
  1. Relying on outdated libraries
  1. Not performing multiple code reviews
  1. Not performing unit testing
  1. Not paying attention to logging and monitoring

Now, let’s dive into each one in detail.

The Programming Errors Are

  1. Incorrect Coding Practices

Using insecure coding practices can turn out to be a major programming error that proves fatal for your software. Incorrect coding practices include: 

  1. Incorrect user input: Failing to not provide the correct route to what users enter into your website can lead to malicious attacks such as SQL injection and cross-site scripting.
  1. Weak encryption: Data such as passwords and financial information require strong encryption algorithms. Weak encryption can result in unauthorized access.
  1. Incomplete authentication: Using a basic username, or an alpha-numeric password authentication isn’t enough. You should implement practices such as multi-factor authentication. This results in an extra layer of security for your software.

2. Neglecting API Security

APIs (Application programming interfaces) are the heart of every custom software. As the usage of APIs grows, so does the prevalence of API-specific attacks. Thus, neglecting API security is a major programming error. Here’s how you can improve the security of your APIs:

  1. Providing proper authentication: Control who accesses your APIs and what actions they perform. You can implement mechanisms such as API Keys, and OAuth to ensure that only authorized users can access your APIs. 
  1. Focus on encryption: Make sure that you encrypt all data that is transmitted through your API. You should do this during both the rest, and transit interfaces. Doing this helps save important information from cyber attacks. 
  1.  Not Using Proactive Defences

Don’t wait for a security breach to happen. As they say, prevention is better than cure. So, identify and combat potential threats throughout the development phase of your software. You can do this by: 

  1. Identifying assets: This involves identifying the valuable data that your application stores and processes. 
  1. Analyzing threats: Doing a SWOT analysis of all the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that make your software vulnerable. 
  1. Risk assessment: This involves assessing how severe each threat is to your software. 
  1. Risk mitigation: This involves implementing countermeasures to address the identified risks. 

Keeping up proactive defenses saves your software from various risks that would have otherwise led to security breaches in your software. In 2017, credit reporting agency Equifax encountered a security breach that led to the data compromise of millions of people. The reason for the breach was that Equifax had failed to renew an encryption certificate for one of its internal security tools. 

To stop such threats, make sure to analyze all your assets accordingly. 

4. Relying on Outdated Libraries

Relying on outdated libraries is another programming error that can lead to “death” when it comes to custom software development. Libraries are pre-written code snippets that developers can use to save time and effort. However, hackers are already aware of the vulnerabilities that are present in outdated libraries. But, here’s how you can stay secure when using them: 

  1. Use updated security patches: Keep your libraries updated with the latest security protocols. Many libraries also provide opportunities for automated software patches. These ensure that your libraries are up-to-date and free from security breaches. 
  1. Use the latest version of libraries: When you’re choosing a library, go for the latest version to ensure that you get the most secure and well-tested code.

5. Not Performing Multiple Code Reviews

Code reviews are a great tool to catch programming errors, improve code quality, and share your knowledge with the development team. Not performing multiple code reviews results in: 

  1. Entry of bugs: This can result in glitches, software crashes, and incorrect software functionalities. 
  1. Quality issues: These can make the codebase difficult to understand, and create challenges for future modifications. 
  1. Security shortcomings: These include issues such as unvalidated user input, and weak encryption practices. 

When reviewing code, the reviewer’s expertise and diversity in evaluating the code is important, as it means that the developer is well aware of the different types of loopholes that might result in security breaches. 

6. Not Performing Unit Testing

Of all the types of programming errors, not performing unit testing is perhaps one of the most crucial ones. Unit testing is essential as it results in: 

  1. Early bug detection: Testers can identify bugs in the development cycle, minimizing the time needed to fix them. 
  1. Better code quality: Writing unit tests leads to cleaner codes that are easy to maintain, understand, and modify. 
  1. Preventing regressions: Unit tests are a safety net that ensures that the code doesn’t change or introduce new bugs.

7. Not Paying Attention to Logging and Monitoring

Proper logging and monitoring of your software at different stages ensures that each part is free from any programming errors. Here’s how logging and monitoring helps:

  1. Detecting problems early: Logs capture information about application events, errors, and user interactions. This can help you identify issues before they turn into major problems. 
  1. Optimizing performance: Monitoring your software’s performance metrics helps you identify areas for improvement. This helps you remove bottlenecks, ensuring that the application runs smoothly. 
  1. Detecting security threats:  Maintaining regular logs can help you identify suspicious activity that might indicate a security breach. 

Now that we know of different types of errors in programming for custom software, let’s look back at what we learned throughout the blog. 

The Takeaways

In conclusion, custom software development can be a complex process fraught with potential programming errors. By understanding and avoiding the seven programming mistakes outlined in this blog, you can significantly improve the security, functionality, and overall quality of your software. By following these guidelines and prioritizing best practices, you can steer clear of common programming errors and build robust, secure custom software that meets your needs and exceeds expectations.

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