20 Must-Have Features for Your ERP HR Software

August 8, 2024

In today’s modern era, having ERP HR software greatly reduces the HR department’s burden and automates multiple tasks, leading to fewer errors and quick results. 

The success of ERP HR software can be seen through data from softwarepath.com, which shows us that as of 2021, 73.45% of companies in the United States used HRIS software. Thus, we can see that the concept of ERP HR software is highly successful. 

But, how do we create such software? What features must be part of such software? In this blog, we’ll discuss the 20 must-have features to have as part of your ERP software in 2024.

The Crucial Features of ERP HR Software

  1.  Employee Self-Service (ESS)

One of the best features of ERP HR software is the ability for employee self-service. This feature empowers employees by enabling them to apply for leave, read company policies, and update their personal information. This function reduces the burden on HR staff, allowing them to focus on their core responsibilities.

  1.  Time Tracking and Attendance

Another must-have feature in an ERP HR software is time tracking and attendance. Gone are the days of employees opening up a register to write down their attendance. The time tracking and attendance feature automatically addresses this concern. 

  1.  Managing Payroll

This software like Flow HCM provides the ability to manage payroll. This software automatically records the hours that an employee has worked, as well as daily attendance. As a result, now HR doesn’t need to manually compute employee payroll, leading to fewer mistakes, and accurate results.

  1.  Recruitment and Applicant Tracking

Recruitment and applicant tracking easily helps HR officers identify and filter the relevant candidates. Thus, as an HR officer, you don’t need to sit with a stack of CVs and search for the best ones. This HR software does the work for you. 

  1.   Performance Management

A good ERP software has robust features for performance management. It has options to provide feedback and track performance through various metrics which eliminates the need to hold tedious meetings. 

  1.  Learning and Development System 

To keep HR personnel aware of the latest trends and insights about HR, customized HR software should also have a learning and development system. This allows learning options to be extremely accessible to HR employees. 

  1.  Benefits Administration Dashboard

Another important feature to have in an this software is the “benefits administration dashboard.” This feature eliminates the need for employees to fill up large forms to avail of certain benefits such as health insurance. 

  1.  Compliance and Reporting

Compliance management/adhering to the local rules and regulations requires strict monitoring to ensure that every standard is being adhered to. Moreover, this software monitors these compliance measures and also generates reports, which allows HR to easily analyze the situation and take corrective action, as needed. 

  1.   Leave Management System

A robust leave management system allows employees to automatically request leaves from their line managers. Now, they don’t need to continuously remind their boss, or book an appointment to discuss their leaves. A leave management system also helps them check how many leaves they have in store. 

10. Employee Onboarding and Offboarding

Remember the days when employee onboarding meant making employees wait for hours in the meeting room just to make them fill up the paperwork for their onboarding? Now, that’s not the case, as this software automates both the onboarding and off-boarding process. 

11. Records Management

The robust integration of this top-notch software allows the organization to easily update and delete employee records as required, eliminating the need for extra paperwork. 

12. Promotion/Succession Planning

By leveraging AI, it can easily identify the pathway towards succession, and based on employee skills, choose the candidates that are most suitable for a promotion.

13.  Analytics and Reporting

This software can also gather data from activities that have taken place during a certain period. Based on this activity it can provide valuable information, such as employee turnover rates and workforce morale. This allows the HR  department to take quick action and correct whatever is going wrong. 

14. Mobile Accessibility

An ERP HR software should be available to mobile users, allowing employees to view the needed information from their cellphones, rather than requiring them to open the software on their desktops/laptops. 

15. Multilingual Support

Diversity is a part of organizations that have employees from various cultures. An Erp HR software can promote this culture of diversity by providing multilingual instructions for employees of different languages. 

16. Employee Engagement Instruments

Rather than HR spending time creating and mailing feedback surveys to employees, the Erp HR software should automatically do the trick, by generating AI-assisted surveys and mailing them to employee mailing lists. The software should automatically gather the results of these surveys and conduct them into relevant metrics needed for study by the HR department. 

17. Data Protection and Security

With Erp HR software having large amounts of employee data such as medical information, salary amounts, and bank accounts, it is important to have strong data protection and security measures. This ensures that employee data is not compromised and used for negative purposes. 

18. Capability to Integrate with Other Functionalities

Integration of Erp HR software with other functions such as project management helps measure employee progress. Thus, the ability to integrate easily is an important feature of any Erp HR Software. 

19.  Automating Workflows

An Erp HR software should streamline and automate workflows to allow for quicker responses to routine tasks such as recruitment and performance management. Automating workflows removes this burden from HR’s shoulders. 

20. Customization and Scalability

Just like any customized solution, ERP software for the HR department should have the room needed to upscale itself according to the changing needs of the organization. 

The Ending Note

Selecting the right ERP HR software with the essential features mentioned above is crucial for optimizing HR management, enhancing employee satisfaction, and driving organizational success.

By investing in a comprehensive ERP HR solution that aligns with your organization’s needs and objectives, you can streamline HR processes, improve data accuracy, facilitate informed decision-making, and create a positive and engaging work environment for your employees.

With the help of predictive analytics, potential issues can be anticipated, thereby reducing the risk of crop failure. These advancements driven by AI not only streamline operations but intensify productivity in the farming industry.

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