13 Must-Have CRM Features in 2024

June 6, 2024

Customer relationship management has become an important part of businesses in the 21st century. The current era of automation calls for fewer files that consume less storage area, and a CRM system that digitizes all customer information. 

Since CRMs are a hot thing,what are some features of a CRMthat make it a must-have for businesses? Stay tuned as we dive head-first into the question. In today’s blog, we’ll look at features of CRM software that you should look for when buying one for your business in 2024. 

1. Consolidated Customer Views

Having a consolidated customer view is one of the most attractive CRM features. Having a consolidated view means that you have all the information related to the customer on a single panel. This includes contact information, social connections(Facebook, Linkedin, email), and purchase history. Having all of this information available makes it easy for sales representatives to reach customers when needed. 


2. Contact Management

Another preferred CRM feature is contact management. This means that your CRM should have an organized contact database that makes all your contact information available at a click. This feature makes it easy for sales representatives to create targeted marketing campaigns as they have all contacts available under one roof. 


3. Lead Management Interface

An effective lead management interface is one of the top CRM features to have in 2024. It helps sales representatives track which part of the sales funnel a particular lead has reached. Then they can use the relevant strategies to pull the lead further down the funnel, such as scheduling automated appointments based on availability. 


4.Automation Tools

Having an array of automation tools is a very effective CRM feature. Automation allows the CRM to automatically send targeted emails to leads, facilitating conversion. This is a great feature as it frees up your team’s time for other tasks. 

5. Intricate Sales Pipelines

Sales pipelines are another great CRM feature as they allow the user to track which part of the sales funnel a particular lead has reached. This makes it easy to target the lead and give it the right pressure to help move it into the next part of the pipeline. It also helps line managers identify bottlenecks in the conversion process. Thus, they can take effective action to remove those bottlenecks.

6. Accurate Reporting and Analytics

Data is the core element needed for the success of any CRM. A CRM system should provide you with a wide range of performance analytics such as agent performance, conversion ratio, and number of queries. These metrics help organizations easily identify where they need to improve to increase the numbers.


7. Multi-Channel  Communication

Nowadays, customers are available across various channels. And you want to ensure that you reach them the quickest. The best possible way is by ensuring multi-channel communication. This feature allows the users to deliver messages to customers across multiple platforms, which ensures that the communication reaches the user on whichever channel they are available. 

8. Mobile Availability

Nowadays the world is more agile than ever before, and the use of mobile phones has exponentially increased. Thus, the CRM system must be available to users on their cell phones. It allows employees to access at their convenience and also remain in touch with customers whether they are working on-site, off-location, or remotely, making it one of the top CRM features.


9. Freedom to Customize

Considering the continually changing needs of your business, your CRM must provide you the opportunity to customize it to address those needs. This feature provides you with the freedom you need to create new workflows for your team. 


10. Integration With 3rd Party Tools

Your CRM should have 3rd party integrations that help it merge with other tools to provide a better output on all levels. For example, the Salesforce CRM allows you to integrate with tools such as Slack, G-Suite, and Linkedin, as well as project management tools such as JIRA. This ensures that your team remains in touch and doesn’t have to go to each other’s seats for communication.  


11. Robust Security Protocols

A CRM is the core of your business, thus it must adhere to strict security protocols and measures to ensure that all data remains confidential and free from chances of breach by outsiders. Thus, when choosing a CRM, ensure that it follows the best security protocols. CRM features that improve security include multiple barriers to access, such as RFID chips and two-factor authentication. Other measures to improve security include integrated malware protection which protects the CRM from hazardous viruses. 


12. AI and ML Integration

If a CRM features AI and ML integration, it means that the CRM can conclude specific trends, which further improves its reporting and forecasting capabilities. Thus, it can aid as a great tool in marketing decision-making. 


13. Self Service Portal

A self-service portal allows individuals using the CRM to have creative freedom, allowing them to take action in the nick of time. Thus users can update account information, or take lead-nurturing initiatives on their own. 

So, these are thirteen essential features that should be part of your CRM in 2024. Now, let’s recap what we learned throughout the blog.


The Takeaways

In conclusion, selecting the right CRM in 2024 requires a focus on features that enhance customer interaction, streamline internal processes, and empower data-driven decision-making. 

A CRM should provide a consolidated customer view, simplify contact management, and offer an effective lead-nurturing interface. Automation tools and insightful sales pipelines are crucial for optimizing the sales funnel. Accurate reporting and analytics are essential for identifying areas for improvement. 

Multi-channel communication and mobile accessibility ensure you can connect with customers on their terms. Customization options and third-party integrations enable the CRM to adapt to your business needs. Robust security protocols safeguard sensitive customer data. 

AI and machine learning integration provide valuable insights for marketing efforts. Finally, a self-service portal empowers users to take initiative and manage their interactions. 

By prioritizing these thirteen features, you can leverage your CRM to cultivate stronger customer relationships and achieve significant business growth.

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